Well, he actually turned 6 months old last week but we've been a little busy and haven't updated his blog. He had his 6 month well baby visit yesterday and did very well. He's shot up 2.5 inches in one month! Also, he didn't cry at all when he got his shots - just flinched a little and then he was laughing the doctor. Here are some random pictures of his from the past week.

Being silly while eating.

All done.

Back from Smita and Harish's wedding where I had a lot of fun!

The other highlights are that his thatha is also here to visit and Ats is enjoying all the attention right now from his grand parents. We're going to be in big trouble once they leave. He's also trying very hard to crawl. He does move forward like a worm on the bed but not yet on the floor. I'm sure it's coming soon. We haven't been able to capture it yet on video. Will post one as soon as we can get it.
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