Monday, July 9, 2007

Giggles and laughter.

Who doesn't like baby giggles? Atchuthan is generally a happy kid and it's his smiles, giggles and laughter that keep us going on those difficult days when he's being a pain. Here are a couple of videos for you guys to enjoy. He loves this small beanie ball and cracks up every time we play with it. He saves his biggest laughs and giggles for daddy, of course.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Standing up.

That's the new favorite of Ats the past 2 weeks. He can pull himself up to standing now and he spends most of his time doing that. He does not want to sit anymore. He's constantly moving and keeps us on our toes.

He loves eating solids too. So far he's tasted a whole bunch of fruits and veggies and yogurt and pretty much likes all of them. He also likes idlis. He's curious about food and usually wants what we're eating as well. Here he is in his high chair after a lunch of broccoli and yogurt.

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