Wednesday, October 31, 2007

His latest antics

Here are some long overdue updates.

First, we were at Mehul's birthday party two weeks ago and Ats decided he had to compete with the 3 and 6 year olds for toys!

And cry because he was not getting his way with them.

Some random cute photos from the last few weeks -

Halloween jammies.
Messy face after dinner.
Basking in the sun and looking at cars.
Ran away from daddy while he was trying to dress me after a bath.
Now that he has mastered the spinning technique, all his toys get spun. This is how he amuses himself most of the time. Here's how he does it with the telephone.

His new thing is climbing onto this chair. He hasn't quite figured out how to get down yet but I'm sure that's not far away.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Spin the toy!

Here's a video of Atchuthan's new favorite pastime. He used to watch us spin this toy and finally a couple days ago figured out how to spin it himself. We didn't try to teach him nor did we even think that he would be able to do this himself. Just goes to show how much they learn by watching other people.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Happy Birthday Sriram!

Atchuthan's cousin turned 2 on October 2nd. Happy Birthday Sriram! Here are a few pictures from his birthday party.

Yummy cake!
Mommy helping him cut the cake.
He loves the gift Ats got him - a wooden rocking horse.
Patti (grandma) feeding him some cake and dinner.
Prying him off the horse while kollu patti (great-grandma) looks on.
Thatha (grandpa) - that's MY horse. You can't play with it.Looks like he had a great birthday. Sorry we missed it.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Visit to Central Park

We took Atchuthan to Central Park on Sunday.

His first NYC subway ride - he was actually fascinated by the train and liked it.
Outside the Central Park zoo there is this clock. The animals come alive every hour and there is music. This was at noon - Ats was quite amused by it.

Next were the seals.

Then came the geese.

- that's a huge polar bear, daddy.
Ooh, my favorite part of the zoo - the Children's petting zoo.

Hey - oink oinks - come play with me.
Billy goat - come closer so I can stick my finger in your nose.
Here - eat my fingers.

Next we went to the Carousel in the Park which was also a lot of fun.On the streets of NYC - wow so many people and so much going on.
On the subway heading back home. Wow - that was one tiring day.
He had loads of fun with the animals at the zoo. His favorite part was the petting zoo. If we had let him, he would have jumped into the pens with the goats. He did not want to leave at all and had no fear in petting them, We should do it more often.