We had his punyahavachanam done at home. Here are some pictures from that.

My dad visited us from India in December and was a great help to us for three weeks when Srini had to return to work after his paternity leave. Since I had a hard time recovering from my c-section, my dad helped by holding Atchuthan when needed, helped in putting him to sleep, etc. Here are a few pictures of him with his thatha.

Atchuthan's first sleepover was in Jaga periappa's house. He had great fun visiting with them and laughing at DJ's antics.

Here are some pictures of him with his friends Anand and Sanjana when they came to visit him.

Sho and Sridhar visited him after a long time. This is the first time that Krish and Madhav are seeing Ats. They did a great job holding him. Ats also enjoyed their visit as they got him some cool toys.

1 comment:
Ats looks like he loves being around friends and family! Great pics!
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