Some cool things he's learned/done in the past few weeks. Ats made us our first Valentine's card with his hand prints on them and a little heart. This was a craft they did at his daycare. This is the first ever coloring sheet he brought home a couple weeks ago. We taught him to say snow. Watch how he scrunches up his face to get the "s" sound. He still doesn't get it but it's very cute to watch. And here he is identifying a few parts of his body. So far he does nose, mouth, teeth, feet and tummy.
I made the mistake of taking Atchuthan out for a walk around our neighborhood one day last week when the weather got to about 52F. He loved it and even got to play with a couple of the neighbors' dogs. So now everyday in the evening (no matter what the weather is) he wants to go out. He keeps standing near the door and saying "tata, tata" or this morning he just brought his coat over to me and pointed out. Anyways, I gave in and took him out 2 days ago even in the cold. Here he is on his little walk. If you watch the second video closely you'll see how he keeps waving one hand at people's houses and saying "Bye, Bye" sort of like the Laura Bush wave, if you know what I mean.