Here are some random cute pictures and videos of Ats from the last few weeks. He's growing so quickly and it's so nice to be able to interact with him now. He's quite the chatterbox and already has a big vocabulary of both Tamil and English words. He still reacts only if we talk to him in Tamil though. Well - here you go:
Playing with great grandma.
Playing with his 2 year old cousin whom he met for the first time. playing with the neighbor's cat
He loves dancing to music. Here are a couple of different funny videos of him "dancing."
Just general cuteness at the temple. at the airport in Brussels where thankfully they had a children's play area. totally absorbed in a show on Animal Planet with daddy. His friends Armaan, Raushan and Kamran came for a sleepover on Tuesday. Here are the 4 boys playing in the morning. Playing with Bambi, his favorite stuffed toy.