Ats is finally sitting up for a few minutes at a time. He did it yesterday evening for a short period but was much better this morning. He was so excited that I gave him my cell phone to play with that he forgot to fall over. He's done it a few more times since this morning and goes longer and longer before falling over. I think he'll be a pro in no time.
Now that he can roll, he loves to go under the futon in the living room. If we take our eyes off of him for a couple of minutes, he's usually gone under there. Here he is enjoying himself under the futon.
We all know how kids love to play with boxes and bags. Well, here's Ats amusing himself with a shopping bag. He played with it by himself for nearly half an hour!
Finally, Atchuthan has started liking his bath time. This is the first time he has actually played in the water and not cried while being given a bath. Yay! Here's daddy giving him a bath.